Interrupt a queued query. Specify the query by using its session ID.

To see the queries in the queue, use the SHOW QUERIES command:

show queries;
query_session_id|current_status      |executor_id|submitted     |query_str       |login_name|client_address            |db_name|exec_device_type
713-t1ax        |PENDING_QUEUE       |0          |2021-08-03 ...|SELECT ...      |John      |http:::1                  |omnisci|GPU
491-xpfb        |PENDING_QUEUE       |0          |2021-08-03 ...|SELECT ...      |Patrick   |http:::1                  |omnisci|GPU
451-gp2c        |PENDING_QUEUE       |0          |2021-08-03 ...|SELECT ...      |John      |http:::1                  |omnisci|GPU
190-5pax        |PENDING_EXECUTOR    |1          |2021-08-03 ...|SELECT ...      |Cavin     |http:::1                  |omnisci|GPU
720-nQtV        |RUNNING_QUERY_KERNEL|2          |2021-08-03 ...|SELECT ...      |Cavin     |tcp:::ffff:|omnisci|GPU
947-ooNP        |RUNNING_IMPORTER    |0          |2021-08-03 ...|IMPORT_GEO_TABLE|Rio       |tcp:::ffff:|omnisci|CPU

To interrupt the last query in the list (ID 946-ooNP):

kill query '946-ooNP'

Showing the queries again indicates that 946-ooNP has been deleted:

show queries;
query_session_id|current_status      |executor_id|submitted     |query_str       |login_name|client_address            |db_name|exec_device_type
713-t1ax        |PENDING_QUEUE       |0          |2021-08-03 ...|SELECT ...      |John      |http:::1                  |omnisci|GPU
491-xpfb        |PENDING_QUEUE       |0          |2021-08-03 ...|SELECT ...      |Patrick   |http:::1                  |omnisci|GPU
451-gp2c        |PENDING_QUEUE       |0          |2021-08-03 ...|SELECT ...      |John      |http:::1                  |omnisci|GPU
190-5pax        |PENDING_EXECUTOR    |1          |2021-08-03 ...|SELECT ...      |Cavin     |http:::1                  |omnisci|GPU
720-nQtV        |RUNNING_QUERY_KERNEL|2          |2021-08-03 ...|SELECT ...      |Cavin     |tcp:::ffff:|omnisci|GPU
  • KILL QUERY is only available if the runtime query interrupt parameter (enable-runtime-query-interrupt) is set.

  • Interrupting a query in ‘PENDING_QUEUE’ status is supported in both distributed and single-server mode.

  • To enable query interrupt for tables imported from data files in local storage, set enable_non_kernel_time_query_interrupt to TRUE. (It is enabled by default.)