scales Property

The Vega scales property maps visually encoded data values to pixel positions with attributes, such as color. See the D3 scales documentation for additional background information about scales.

General scales property JSON format:

"scales": [
    "name": <scaleID>,
    "type": <scaleType>,
    "domain": <inputValues>,
    "range": <outputValues>"
    "accumulator": <accumulatorType>
    "default": <defaultOutputValue>,
    "nullValue": <nullDataValue>

The scales specification is one or more arrays with the following properties:

Note: As a general rule, limit the total number of domain and range values used to a maximum of 1000. Exceeding this limit can cause an error.


Define two scales, x and y. For the x scale, linearly transform input data values between -100 and 999 to the visualization area width. For the y scale, linearly transform input data values between 0 and 500 to the visualization area height. The width and height range values are pre-defined literals that reference the width and height properties.

vegaSpec = {
    width: 384,
    height: 564,
    data: [ ... elided ... ],
    scales: [
            name: "x",
            type: "linear",
            domain: [ -100, 999 ],
            range: "width"
            name: "y",
            type: "linear",
            domain: [ 0, 500 ],
            range: "height"
    marks: [ ... elided ... ]

Scales Properties


The name property uniquely identifies the scale for reference by other properties.


The type property specifies how to transform the input, domain data to output, range visual values. Vega supports the following transforms, categorized by quantitative, discrete, and discretizing scales:

Quantitative Scales

Discrete Scales

Discretizing Scales


The domain field specifies the domain of input data values. For quantitative data, this can take the form of a two-element array.


Specify minimum and maximum input values.

domain: [ -100, 999 ]

For ordinal or categorical data, the domain can be an array of valid input values.


Specify valid input data languages.

"domain": ["en",  "es", "fr"]


Scale range specifies the set of visual values. For numeric values, the range can take the form of a two-element array with minimum and maximum values. For ordinal or quantized data, the range can be an array of desired output values, which are mapped to elements in the specified domain.

Scale ranges can be specified in the following ways:

  • As an array of static values: "range": [0, 500] or "range": ['a', 'b', 'c'].

  • Using pre-defined literals: "range": "width" or "range": "height".


Specify a color scale that quantizes input values between 0 and 100 among five visual output colors.

  name: "color",
  type: "quantize",
  domain: [ 0, 100 ],
  range: [ "#115f9a", "#1984c5", "#c9e52f", "#d0ee11", "#d0f400"

Scale ranges can accept width and height string literals that map to the Width and Height Properties.


Specify a y scale that linearly maps input values between 0 and 500 to the height of the visualization area.

    name: "y",
    type: "linear",
    domain: [ 0, 500 ],
    range: "height"


The default scales property specifies the output value to use when the input domain value does not map to the range.

The default property is not applicable to the threshold scale type, which maps domain values outside of the range to either the lowest or highest range value.


The accumulator property enables you to identify regional density of data in a layer of a backend render and apply pixel coloring based on the accumulation mode that you have defined. Each data point is rendered individually, providing an accurate representation of data distribution in a spatial setting.


Apply a density accumulator to a linear scale named pointcolor:

  "name": "pointcolor",
  "type": "linear",
  "domain": [0.0,1.0],
  "range": ["blue","red"],
  "clamp": true,
  "accumulator": "density",
  "minDensityCnt": 1,
  "maxDensityCnt": 100

The color at a pixel is determined by normalizing per-pixel aggregated counts and using that value in the scale function to calculate a color. Normalization is performed according to the required minDensityCnt and maxDensityCnt properties. After normalization, minDensityCnt == 0 and maxDensityCnt == 1.

minDensityCnt and maxDensityCnt can have explicit integer values or use one of the following keywords to compute statistical information about per-pixel counts: min, max, -1stStdDev, -2ndStdDev, 1stStdDev, 2ndStdDev.

For more detailed examples of using accumulators, see Tutorial: Vega Accumulator.

Last updated