Getting Started on Kubernetes (BETA)

Using HEAVY.AI's Helm Chart on Kubernetes

This documentation outlines how to use HEAVY.AI’s Helm Chart within a Kubernetes environment. It assumes the user is a network administrator within your organization and is an experienced Kubernetes administrator. This is not a beginner guide and does not instruct on Kubernetes installation or administration. It is quite possible you will require additional manifest files for your environment.


The HEAVY.AI Helm Chart is a template of how to configure deployment of the HEAVY.AI platform. The following files need to be updated/created to reflect the customer's deployment environment.

  • values.yml

  • <customer_created>-pv.yml

  • <customer_created>-pvc.yml

Once the files are updated/created, follow the installation instructions below to install the Helm Chart into your Kubernetes environment.

Where to get the Helm Chart?

The Helm Chart is located in the HEAVY.AI github repository. It can be found here:

What’s included?

File NameDescription


HEAVY.AI Helm Chart. Contains version and contact information.


Copy this file and edit values specific to your HEAVY.AI deployment. This is where to note the PVC name. This file is annotated to identify typical customizations and is pre-populated with default values.


These instructions.


HEAVY.AI platform deployment template. DO NOT EDIT


Example PV file.


Example PVC file.

How to install?

  1. Before installing, create a PV/PVC that the deployment will use. Save these files in the regular PVC/PV location used in the customer’s environment. Reference the README.pdf file found in the Helm Chart under templates and the example PV/PVC manifests in the misc folder in the helm chart. The PVC name is then provided to the helm install command.

  2. In your current directory; copy the values.yml file from the HEAVY.AI Helm Chart and customize for your needs.

  3. Run the helm install command with the desired deployment name and Helm Chart.

    1. When using a values.yml file:

      $ helm install heavyai --values values.yml heavyaihelmchart-1.0.0.tgz

    2. When not using a values.yml file:

      If you only need to change a value or two from the default values.yml file you can use --set instead of a custom values.yml file.

      For example:

      $ helm install heavyai --set pvcName=MyPVCName heavyaihelmchart-1.0.0.tgz

How to uninstall?

To uninstall the helm installed HEAVY.AI instance:

$ helm uninstall heavyai

The PVC and PV space defined for the HEAVY.AI instance is not removed. The retained space must be manually deleted.

Example: values.yml

# Default values for heavyai.
# This is a YAML-formatted file.
# Declare variables to be passed into your templates.
# Version of heavyai to install in the format 'v7.0.0' or 'latest' for the latest version released.
version: v7.0.0
# Persistant volume claim name to use with heavyai.
pvcName: heavyai-pvc
# Namespace to install heavyai in.
nameSpace: heavyai
# Number or GPU's to assign to heavyai or 0 to run the CPU version of heavyai.
gpuNumber: 1
# NodeName to install heavyai on, if you wish to let Kubernetes schedule a host, leave it blank.
nodeName: heavyai-node
# Immerse port redirect of 6273.
hostPortImmerse: 9273
# TCP port redirect of 6274.
hostPortTCP: 9274
# HTTP port redirect of 6278.
hostPortHTTP: 9278

Example: example-heavyai-pvc.yml

apiVersion: v1
kind: PersistentVolumeClaim
 name: heavyai-pvc
 namespace: heavyai
 volumeMode: Filesystem
   - ReadWriteOnce
     storage: 100Gi
 storageClassName: heavyai

Example: example-heavyai-pv.yml

apiVersion: v1
kind: PersistentVolume
 name: heavyai-pv
   storage: 100Gi
 volumeMode: Filesystem
   - ReadWriteOnce
 persistentVolumeReclaimPolicy: Retain
 storageClassName: heavyai
   - hard
   - nfsvers=4.1
   path: {your nfs path goes here }
   server: { your nfs server name goes here }

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