Creating a Dashboard

You can construct a Heavy Immerse dashboard following these steps:

Once you save the dashboard, you can share it with other HEAVY.AI users.

Starting a New Dashboard

Connect to Immerse by pointing a web browser to port 6273 on your HeavyDB server. When you launch Immerse, the landing page is a list of saved dashboards. You click New Dashboard in the upper right to configure a custom dashboard.

Adding a Chart

To add a chart, you click Add Chart, choose a chart type, set dimensions and measures, then click Apply. For more information on creating charts, see Heavy Immerse Chart Types.

To create a chart:

  1. Click Add Chart.

  2. Choose a Data Source. For example, UFO_Sightings.

  3. Choose a chart type. For example, Bar.

  4. Set the Dimension. For example, country.

  5. Set the Measure. For example, COUNT # Records.

  6. Click Apply.

Removing a Chart

To remove a chart:

  1. Hover the mouse over the chart.

  2. In the upper-right corner of the chart, click the More Options icon, and then click Remove Chart.

Titling and Saving a Dashboard

To title and save a dashboard:

  1. Click the title area.

  2. Type a title.

  3. Click Save.

Using Dashboard Tabs

Dashboard tabs enable you add multiple pages to a dashboard. Using tabs can reduce the number of charts on a dashboard page and make it easier to find the chart you want.

By default, dashboard tabs are disabled. To enable tabs, in your server.json file, set "ui/dashboard-tabs"to "true".

Dashboard tabs are located at the bottom left of the dashboard. The dashboard shown below has three tabs: Config UI (selected tab), Locked axis on scatter, and New Combo improvements:

Click a tab to open it, or use the right arrow icon to move to the next tab. Hovering on a tab reveals the three-dot menu, which you can use to duplicate, rename, or delete a tab.

Deleting a Dashboard

To delete a dashboard:

  1. Click Dashboards.

  2. Mouse over the dashboard you want to delete.

  3. Click X at the end of the dashboard row.

Last updated