Upgrading from Omnisci to HEAVY.AI 6.0

This section is giving a recipe to upgrade from Omnisci platform 5.5+ to Heavi.ai 6.0.

If the version of Omnisci is older than 5.5 an intermediate upgrade step to the 5.5 version is needed. Check the docs on how to do the upgrade.

Considerations when Upgrading from Omnisci to HEAVY.AI Platform

If you are upgrading from Omnisci to HEAVY.AI, there are a lot of additional steps compared to a simple sub-version upgrade.

Before Upgrading to Release 6.0

IMPORTANT - Before you begin, stop all the running services / docker images of your Omnisci installation and create a backup $OMNISCI_STORAGE folder (typically /var/lib/omnisci). A backup is essential for recoverability; do not proceed with the upgrade without confirming that a full and consistent backup is available and ready to be restored.

The omnisci the database will not be automatically renamed to the new default name heavyai.This will be done manually and it's documented in the upgrade steps.

All the dumps created with the dump command on Omnisci cannot be restored after the database is upgraded to this version.

Essential Changes for release 6.0 of HEAVY.AI compared to Omnisci

The following table describes the changes to environment variables, storage locations, and filenames in Release 6.0 compared to Release 5.x. Except where noted, revised storage subfolders, symlinks for old folder names, and filenames are created automatically on server start.

Change descriptions in bold require user intervention.

Upgrade Instructions

The order of these instructions is significant. To avoid problems, follow the order of the instruction provided and don't skip any step.


This upgrade procedure is assuming that you are using the default storage location for both Omnisci and HEAVY.AI.

Upgrading Using Docker

Stop all containers running Omnisci services.

In a terminal window, get the Docker container IDs:

sudo docker container ps --format "{{.Id}} {{.Image}}" \
-f status=running | grep omnisci\/

You should see an output similar to the following. The first entry is the container ID. In this example, it is 9e01e520c30c:

9e01e520c30c omnisci/omnisci-ee-gpu

Stop the HEAVY.AI Docker container. For example:

sudo docker container stop 9e01e520c3

Backup the Omnisci data directory (typically /var/lib/omnisci).

tar zxvf /backup_dir/omnisci_storage_backup.tar.gz /var/lib/omnisci

Rename the Omnisci data directory to reflect the HEAVY.AI naming scheme.

sudo mv /var/lib/omnisci /var/lib/heavyai
sudo mv /var/lib/heavyai/data /var/lib/heavyai/storage

Create a new configuration file for heavydb changing the data parameter to point to the renamed data directory.

cat /var/lib/heavyai/omnisci.conf | \
sed "s/^\(data.*=.*\)/#\1\\ndata = \"\/var\/lib\/heavyai\/storage\"/" | \
sed "s/^\(frontend.*=.*\)/#\1\\nfrontend = \"\/opt\/heavyai\/frontend\"/" 

Rename the Omnisci license file (EE and FREE only).

mv /var/lib/heavyai/storage/omnisci.license \

Download and run the 6.0 version of the HEAVY.AI Docker image.

Select the tab depending on the Edition (Enterprise, Free, or Open Source) and execution Device (GPU or CPU) you are upgrading.

sudo docker run -d --gpus=all \
-v /var/lib/heavyai:/var/lib/heavyai \
-p 6273-6278:6273-6278 \

Check that Docker is up and running using a docker ps command:

sudo docker container ps --format "{{.Id}} {{.Image}} {{.Status}}" \
-f status=running | grep heavyai\/

You should see output similar to the following:

9e01e520c30c heavyai/heavyai-ee-cuda Up 48 seconds ago 

Using the new container ID rename the default omnisci database to heavyai:

sudo docker exec -it 9e01e520c30c \
echo "alter database omnisci rename to heavyai;" \
| bin/heavysql omnisci 

Check that everything is running as expected.

Upgrading to HEAVY.AI Using Package Managers or Tarball

To upgrade an existing system installed with package managers or tarball. The commands upgrade HEAVY.AI in place without disturbing your configuration or stored data.

Back up the Omnisci Database

Stop the Omnisci services.

sudo systemctl stop omnisci_web_server omnisci_server

Backup the Omnisci data directory (typically /var/lib/omnisci).

tar zcvf /backup_dir/omnisci_storage_backup.tar.gz /var/lib/omnisci

Create a user named heavyai who will be the owner of the HEAVY.AI software and data on the filesystem.

sudo useradd --shell /bin/bash --user-group --create-home --group wheel heavyai

Set a password for the user. It'll need when sudo-ing.

sudo passwd heavyai

Login with the newly created user

sudo su - heavyai

Rename the Omnisci data directory to reflect the HEAVY.AI naming scheme and change the ownership to heavyai user.

sudo chown -R heavyai:heavyai /var/lib/omnisci
sudo mv /var/lib/omnisci /var/lib/heavyai
mv /var/lib/heavyai/data /var/lib/heavyai/storage
mkdir /var/lib/heavyai/storage/catalogs

Check that everything is in order and the semaphore directory is created

ls -la /var/lib/heavyai/storage/

All the directories must belong to heavyai user and the directory catalogs would be present

total 32
drwxr-xr-x  8 heavyai heavyai 4096 lug 15 16:03 .
drwxr-xr-x  4 heavyai heavyai 4096 lug 15 16:02 ..
drwxrwxr-x  2 heavyai heavyai 4096 lug 15 16:03 catalogs
drwxr-xr-x  2 heavyai heavyai 4096 lug 15 15:54 mapd_catalogs
drwxr-xr-x 52 heavyai heavyai 4096 lug 15 15:54 mapd_data
drwxr-xr-x  2 heavyai heavyai 4096 lug 15 15:54 mapd_export
drwxr-xr-x  2 heavyai heavyai 4096 lug 15 15:54 mapd_log
drwxr-xr-x  2 heavyai heavyai 4096 lug 15 15:54 omnisci_disk_cache
-rw-r--r--  1 heavyai heavyai 1229 lug 15 16:07 omnisci-licence

Rename the license file. (EE and FREE only)

mv /var/lib/heavyai/storage/omnisci.license \

Install the HEAVY.AI Software

Install the HEAVY.AI software following all the instructions for your Operative System. CentOS/RHEL and Ubuntu.

Please follow all the steps in the Installation and Configuration until Intialization step.

Update the configuration file and rename the default database

Log in with the heavyai user and be sure that the heavyai services are stopped.

sudo systemctl stop heavy_web_server heavydb

Create a new configuration file for heavydb changing the data parameter to point to the /var/lib/heavyai/storage directory and the frontend to the new install directory.

cat /var/lib/heavyai/omnisci.conf | \
sed "s/^\(data.*=.*\)/#\1\\ndata = \"\/var\/lib\/heavyai\/storage\"/" | \
sed "s/^\(frontend.*=.*\)/#\1\\nfrontend = \"\/opt\/heavyai\/frontend\"/" \

All the settings of the upgraded database will be moved to the new configuration file.

Now we have to complete the database migration.

Remove the semaphore directory.

rmdir /var/lib/heavyai/storage/catalogs

To complete the upgrade, start the HEAVY.AI servers.

sudo systemctl start heavydb heavy_web_server

Check if the database migrated, running this command and checking for the Rebrand migration complete message.

sudo systemctl status heavydb

Rename the default omnisci database to heavyai. Run the command using an administrative user (typically admin) with his password (default HyperInteractive)

echo "alter database omnisci rename to heavyai;" \
| /opt/heavyai/bin/heavysql -p HyperInteractive -u admin omnisci 

Restart the database service and check that everything is running as expected.

Remove Omnisci Software from the System

After all the checks confirmed that the upgraded system is stable, clean up the system to remove the Omnisci install and relative system configuration. Remove permanently the configuration of the services.

sudo rm /lib/systemd/omnisci_server*.service
sudo rm /lib/systemd/omnisci_web_server*.service
sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl reset-failed

Remove the installed software.

sudo rm -Rf /opt/omnisci

Delete the YUM or APT repositories.

sudo rm /etc/yum.repos.d/omnisci.repo

Last updated