Shows generated Intermediate Representation (IR) code, identifying whether it is executed on GPU or CPU. This is primarily used internally by HEAVY.AI to monitor behavior.


For example, when you use the EXPLAIN command on a basic statement, the utility returns 90 lines of IR code that is not meant to be human readable. However, at the top of the listing, a heading indicates whether it is IR for the CPU or IR for the GPU, which can be useful to know in some situations.


Returns a relational algebra tree describing the high-level plan to execute the statement.


The table below lists the relational algebra classes used to describe the execution plan for a SQL statement.

For example, a SELECT statement is described as a table scan and projection.

omnisql> EXPLAIN CALCITE (SELECT * FROM movies);
LogicalProject(movieId=[$0], title=[$1], genres=[$2])
   LogicalTableScan(TABLE=[[CATALOG, heavyai, MOVIES]])

If you add a sort order, the table projection is folded under a LogicalSort procedure.

omnisql> EXPLAIN calcite (SELECT * FROM movies ORDER BY title);
LogicalSort(sort0=[$1], dir0=[ASC])
   LogicalProject(movieId=[$0], title=[$1], genres=[$2])
      LogicalTableScan(TABLE=[[CATALOG, omnisci, MOVIES]])

When the SQL statement is simple, the EXPLAIN CALCITE version is actually less “human readable.” EXPLAIN CALCITE is more useful when you work with more complex SQL statements, like the one that follows. This query performs a scan on the BOOK table before scanning the BOOK_ORDER table.

omnisql> EXPLAIN calcite SELECT bc.firstname, bc.lastname, b.title, bo.orderdate, s.name
FROM book b, book_customer bc, book_order bo, shipper s
WHERE bo.cust_id = bc.cust_id AND b.book_id = bo.book_id AND bo.shipper_id = s.shipper_id
AND s.name = 'UPS';
LogicalProject(firstname=[$5], lastname=[$6], title=[$2], orderdate=[$11], name=[$14])
    LogicalFilter(condition=[AND(=($9, $4), =($0, $8), =($10, $13), =($14, 'UPS'))])
        LogicalJoin(condition=[true], joinType=[INNER])
            LogicalJoin(condition=[true], joinType=[INNER])
                LogicalJoin(condition=[true], joinType=[INNER])
                    LogicalTableScan(TABLE=[[CATALOG, omnisci, BOOK]])
                    LogicalTableScan(TABLE=[[CATALOG, omnisci, BOOK_CUSTOMER]])
                LogicalTableScan(TABLE=[[CATALOG, omnisci, BOOK_ORDER]])
            LogicalTableScan(TABLE=[[CATALOG, omnisci, SHIPPER]])

Revising the original SQL command results in a more natural selection order and a more performant query.

omnisql> EXPLAIN calcite SELECT bc.firstname, bc.lastname, b.title, bo.orderdate, s.name
FROM book_order bo, book_customer bc, book b, shipper s
WHERE bo.cust_id = bc.cust_id AND bo.book_id = b.book_id AND bo.shipper_id = s.shipper_id
AND s.name = 'UPS';
LogicalProject(firstname=[$10], lastname=[$11], title=[$7], orderdate=[$3], name=[$14])
    LogicalFilter(condition=[AND(=($1, $9), =($5, $0), =($2, $13), =($14, 'UPS'))])
        LogicalJoin(condition=[true], joinType=[INNER])
            LogicalJoin(condition=[true], joinType=[INNER])
                LogicalJoin(condition=[true], joinType=[INNER])
                  LogicalTableScan(TABLE=[[CATALOG, omnisci, BOOK_ORDER]])
                  LogicalTableScan(TABLE=[[CATALOG, omnisci, BOOK_CUSTOMER]])
                LogicalTableScan(TABLE=[[CATALOG, omnisci, BOOK]])
            LogicalTableScan(TABLE=[[CATALOG, omnisci, SHIPPER]])

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